78-80 Upper St Giles Street, Norwich, Norfolk, NR2 1LT
1. Advanced Language, Materials and Methodology
2. Blended Learning in Language Teacher Education
3. Curriculum Development and Syllabus Design
4. Management in ELT
5. Materials Development in Language Education
6. Teaching English for Academic Purposes
7. Teaching English to Young Learners
8. Testing, Evaluation and Assessment
9. Teaching, Examining and Assessing Spoken English
10. Tailor-made courses for closed groups
11. 21st Century Skills
12. British Culture and Contemporary English 13. Intercultural Awareness in ELT
14. Learning Differences and Inclusion in Language Teaching
15. Language Improvement for Teachers
16. Trainer Development: a Course for Teacher Educators
17. Video and Image in Language Teaching
18. Technology Assisted Language Learning
19. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
20. Literature and Drama in Language Teaching
21. Classroom Activities, Interaction and Motivation Online
22. Discover Contemporary English Online
23. Teaching Skills and Language Online
24. Testing, Evaluation and Assessment Online
25. Teaching English for Academic Purposes Online
26. From Teacher to Trainer Online
27. Content and Language Integrated Learning Online
28. Materials Development Fro Language Education Online
29. Teaching Young Learners Online Course
30. Teaching English in Pre-Primary Education Online Course
31. DELTA Module 1 Online
32. DELTA Module 2 Online
33. DELTA Module 3 Online
34. MA Online: Developing Learner Autonomy
35. MA Online: Trainer Development
36. MA Online: CLIL
37. MA Online: Materials Development in ELT
38. MA Online: Teaching English for Academic Purposes
39. MA Online: Testing, Evaluation and Assessment
40. MA Online: Technology Assisted Language Learning
41. MA Online : Principles and Practice of Teaching Young Learners
42. MA Online: Language Teaching Methodology